Cascade Chiropractic
Health and Nutrition Services in Folsom, CA
Chiropractic services
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Allergies: Seasonal or Year Round Plague
Sunshine finally! Most people are thrilled when winter makes its exit, the days get longer and the flowers begin to bloom, I am one of them. However, there are those that dread springtime with its green grass, trees radiant with blossoms and new leaves and flowers...

Children’s Health Today: Emerging Trends and Solutions
If you have been around children, grandchildren, students or any other young people for that matter, you may have noticed that many of them are challenged with conditions that used to be reserved for adults. GERD/acid reflux, anxiety, depression, type 2 diabetes,...

Are You in a Bad Mood Today? It Could be a Lack of Sleep.
Irregular Sleep Schedules Linked to Bad Moods & Depression Data collected on Fitbits and Smartphones worn by 1st year medical interns has shown that an irregular sleep/wake schedule could have an increased risk of altered mood and depression if the behavior is...