What Your Omega-3 Index Says About You

What Your Omega-3 Index Says About You

Omega 3 fatty acids. What are they? Where do they come from? And why are they important to my health? All very good questions that most people cannot answer. I’m going to answer all these questions in today’s article, because this nutrient is essential to...
Allergies: Seasonal or Year Round Plague

Allergies: Seasonal or Year Round Plague

Sunshine finally! Most people are thrilled when winter makes its exit, the days get longer and the flowers begin to bloom, I am one of them. However, there are those that dread springtime with its green grass, trees radiant with blossoms and new leaves and flowers...
My New Years Resolution: Be Joyful and Grateful

My New Years Resolution: Be Joyful and Grateful

Hello everyone!With a new year making its debut, I have been reflecting on all that has happened and I must say I am truly grateful. Grateful for my family, education and the ability to use it to benefit my community, staff, and for all of you. It has been a year of...
Tis the Season for… Diabetes?

Tis the Season for… Diabetes?

We are heading into the holiday season, and for many this is the beginning of a 3 month free-for-all when it comes to diet. We tend to give ourselves and our families permission to eat foods we generally avoid. One of the worst additions is refined sugar and fructose....