Cascade Chiropractic
Health and Nutrition Services in Folsom, CA
Chiropractic services
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Drug Free Approaches to Mood Challenges
Many people today suffer from mild to moderate depression and/or anxiety and are able to ease those symptoms minus the prescriptions. The following methods have all been scientifically proven to help ease the symptoms of depression. I have included those methods that...
Stress and its Effect on the Body
This time of the year can be a time of joy accompanied by exhaustion if we let it. We want to make sure that we come out on the other side of these holidays happy and healthy. Two very important systems that can be affected by seasonal stresses are the heart and the...
Holiday Joy or Winter Dread?
Over the years I have found that I can see in my patients eyes whether or not they are the kind of person that looks forward to the holidays or dread them. It's not that they don't like the season, or that they don't appreciate holiday music in October, its simply...