Spring is the season for beautiful flowers, the leaves to emerge from their sleepy winter nap, and the grasses to peek out of the wet soil. The problem with all this nature is that pollen comes along with it! But why is it that if you put 10 people in a wild flower filled meadow on a windy day only some of them will have a sneezing attack?

It’s all about physiology. There are 3 main types of allergies:

  1. Allergic asthma: Can involve the throat and lungs
  2. Allergic dermatitis: Can involve the skin, both inside (gut) and outside (skin)
  3. Allergic rhinitis: Can involve the nose, sinuses, throat, itchy and watery eyes

The body, when exposed to allergens such as pet dander, dust, pollen of any type, certain foods, chemicals, mold, fragrance, and the list goes on and on, can have an allergic response which means that it will create a mast cell reaction. The body says, “Hey there’s a foreign substance here!” and the immune system comes to the rescue and produces histamine which is designed to help, but in excess it creates inflammation and all those nasty symptoms we like to avoid.

Royal Lee, the founder of Standard Process, stated in 1963:

“In allergic conditions a deficiency of calcium is usually considered a contributing factor, and the body’s calcium reserves are found to be low. Another definite aggravating factor is the pH of the body. An alkaline pH aggravates all allergies, so maintaining an acidic digestive tract is very important. Salivary pH should be between 7 and 7.3 prior to introducing anti-histamines, only then can the body process the antibodies associated with allergies. This is best accomplished with a digestive enzyme such as ZYPAN, or ENZYCORE or a system acidifier such as CAL-AMO.”

Some foods to consider avoiding during allergy season are: Wheat, dairy, and carbonated drinks. These foods can create an inflammatory condition in the gut which can lead to the possibility of allergens crossing into the blood stream and causing an allergic or sensitivity to the food and other environmentals.

Now lets talk about what to do if you already have allergies and its too late to avoid or prevent them this allergy season.

Allerplex: General allergy relief, contains liver detox, natural anti-histamine, vitamins A&C and lung support.

Antronex: In Allerplex, natural anti-histamine, liver detox

Cal Amo: System Acidifier

Albizia: Herbal anti-histamine, stabilizes mast cells that produce histamine. Supports headaches that are allergy related aslo. Use for skin or seasonal allergies.

Sinus Forte: Strengthens mucous membranes; helps with nasal and eye symptoms. Runny/stuffy nose, itchy watery eyes, sore throat.

Resco: Chronic lung and bronchial congestion

Immuplex: Supports the immune system and helps to moderate the immune response.

The aims of these products are to reduce the immune response by the body, to improve the body’s immune system to have a normal response, and to decrease the toxic load on the body by improving elimination of toxins which allows for a reduced buildup of histamine causing allergy symptoms.

If you are suffering from allergies, there’s hope! Give our office a call to set up an appointment and let me test to see which product will help you the most!


Dr. Virginia S. Irby D.C.,DABCO, ACN

Cascade Chiropractic

2371 Iron Point Rd. Ste. 130

Folsom, CA 95630
