cascade Chiropractic
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Healthy Tips For Preschoolers to Home Schoolers
Once children start preschool or kindergarten you may notice that life takes on a new routine, especially this year. All of a sudden you go from carefree time to time for reading, writing and ‘rithmetic! Along with this newfound routine, remember a regular intake of food is needed throughout the day to insure proper nutrition and energy. Children require 3 meals and a snack or two; growing brains and bodies need healthy options. By allowing your child to decide how much food is enough, there...

Summer Sunshine
Most of us love summer for its hot days and warm nights! Some love summer for the time spent outside hiking, boating, playing sports, or simply hanging out by the pool or creek. Planting a garden, working on house projects and going on vacation are all more fun when you can do it in the sunshine versus cold, windy weather, don’t you agree? So while there are many benefits to summer sun, there are also several reasons why we should practice caution while enjoying the rays! Benefits: 1. Immune...

How to Know if Your Gut Needs Support
When I see patients in my office, I have them complete a questionnaire, you may have filled one out yourself. My favorite part is the section where the patient tells me their top 5 health concerns. I look for connections there, I look for the underlying cause, and perhaps even the reason that particular patient can’t get well, yet. Inevitably, one or more of the top 5 health concerns has to do with digestion. These might look like: "I have..." Indigestion and heartburnBurping...

Can Stress Really Mess with your Immune System?
While the challenges of today vary from person to person, I think we can all agree that our collective stress level has reached a fever pitch. You may have heard of a hormone that often accompanies that stress; it is called cortisol. Whenever I mention cortisol to a patient, they always grab their belly and say, “Oh I have plenty of that!” But, the purpose of cortisol is not only to make you fat, it has many useful jobs in the body. For example, in small amounts it is...