by Dr. Virginia | Mar 5, 2019 | Uncategorized
We are exposed to toxins every single day. We eat, drink, and breathe environmental toxins and we also make toxins that a healthy body would be able to excrete. But what happens if we get too many toxins over time? If the liver, kidneys, and lymph can’t keep up with...
by Dr. Virginia | Feb 20, 2019 | Article, Uncategorized
Today I want to talk to you about menopause. You may not be there yet, but now is the time to prepare! Yes that’s correct, you can and should prepare for those years when you will no longer have a menstrual cycle. Let me demonstrate with a picture. When we think...
by Dr. Virginia | Feb 12, 2019 | Uncategorized, Video
Here I demonstrate the different parts of the 7 Minute Workout with some low impact variations if needed. Enjoy!
by Dr. Virginia | Oct 10, 2018 | Uncategorized
First Things First! Have too much to do and too little time? Are you doing what’s most important, or just what screams at you? Steven Covey in his book, First Things First, talks about organizing one’s life to be a highly effective individual, but also to keep...
by Dr. Virginia | Oct 10, 2018 | Uncategorized
The science of medicine came into being about the same time America became a nation. Both political and medical groups debated similar points. Our founding fathers asked, “Can a politically free people exist?” While our medical fathers asked, “Can a physiologically...
by Dr. Virginia | Oct 10, 2018 | Uncategorized
Imagine you’re the digestive system for a few minutes. It’s nearly dinnertime, and the aroma of your favorite meal fills the house, your mouth begins to water (that’s one of the first steps of digestion, you know) while the stomach prepares for the work ahead....